The Carrollwood Subdivision ( now commonly referred to as the Original Carrollwood Community ), is served by two distinct boards: the Carrollwood Civic Association ( CCA ) and the Carrollwood Recreation District ( CRD ). Board members are elected by the 925 residences of the Carrollwood Subdivision, and together these two boards provide guidance and oversight for the Community.
The Carrollwood Civic Association

The Carrollwood Civic Association is a thirteen-member board of directors working to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the neighborhood. The CCA organizes a variety of neighborhood events throughout the year.
The CCA directs the monthly newsletter (The Caroler) and updates and publishes the neighborhood directory every two years. The CCA welcomes new families to the neighborhood. When necessary, the CCA enforces the subdivision deed restrictions.
The CCA is a liaison with Hillsborough County government agencies and the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office. Additionally, the CCA coordinates all Lake Carroll management efforts with state and local government agencies. This website is intended for issues relating to the CCA.
Carrollwood Civic Association Meeting
2nd Monday of the month @ 7:00 p.m.
The Carrollwood Recreation District

The Carrollwood Recreation District is a nine-member board of trustees responsible for maintenance, upkeep, and operation of all the neighborhood properties, common areas, and the Recreation Center. The maintenance responsibilities of the Board are funded by annual tax levies of all residential properties located in the District.
An Independent Special District created by the Florida Legislature and approved by referendum on December 5, 1972, the Carrollwood Recreation District is ranked the 360th oldest of the 1,825 Special District’s in the State of Florida. The CRD board employs an office manager who supervises and schedules park reservations and room rentals as well as issues community keys and boat decals to residents. All correspondence to or from the CRD Board is subject to Florida’s public records laws. Visit the CRD website ( ) for more information.
Carrollwood Recreation District Meetings
2nd Monday of the month at the Rec Center
6:00 p.m. Executive Committee Meeting
6:30 p.m. Regular Meeting