The following is a condensed, simplified summary of the Restrictive Covenants applying to the Carrollwood Subdivision. The exact legal wording of these covenants may be found in the property’s deed or in the “Official Record Book of Hillsborough County,” referred to in the deed. All rights of Sunstate Builders, Inc., were transferred to the Carrollwood Civic Association, Inc., by agreement on September 9, 1973. Click link for complete document: Deed Restrictions


There will be only one dwelling per lot. One dwelling may occupy more than one lot. Each dwelling is to be used for single-family occupancy.


Houses on Lake Carroll Way have a minimum setback of 30 feet; all others are at least 25 feet from the road. On the sides, the minimum setback requirement is 8 feet. If there is no attached garage or carport, one side must be at least 10 feet from the side lot line. Only with written consent from the Carrollwood Civic Association may the minimum side lot line be 5 feet on both sides. The rear lot line setback is a minimum of 25 feet.

Dwelling Size

The maximum height for any home is two stories; the maximum size for a garage or carport is three cars.

Erecting Structures or Docks

No structure, including docks, may be erected without written consent of the Carrollwood Civic Association. No temporary structure may be used as a residence. Garages and other buildings constructed after the main dwelling will be of the same materials and will conform architecturally to the main house.


Plans and specification for any addition must be approved by the Carrollwood Civic Association prior to beginning construction. The Carrollwood Civic Association is empowered to grant and enforce deed restrictions. Any construction not done by the property owner personally must be done by a licensed contractor. All buildings on the lot must be of masonry construction with semi-fireproof roofs.

Pre-existing Buildings

No pre-existing building or structure may be moved on or onto any lot.


Activities, conditions, or trades are not permitted if they are (or may become) a nuisance or annoyance to the neighborhood. Lot owners are required to maintain properties in a neat and attractive condition, at least equal to standards decided by the Carrollwood Civic Association Board including the following: painting, repairing, roofing, driveways, landscaping, lawns, gutters, walks, docks, and trees. No trailers, campers, commercial-type or recreational vehicles or unused vehicle may be kept on any lot or public right-of-way. No vehicle repairs are permitted outside a garage. No objectionable trash, compost heaps, debris, or unkempt buildings or yards are permitted.


No animals, livestock, or poultry may be raised, bred, or kept except that dogs, cats and other household pets are permitted provided that they are not kept, bred, or maintained for commercial purposes, nor continually are a nuisance to neighbors (trespassing, roaming free, or making noise). If an owner does not pick up after his dog, he may incur fines. Violations of the leash law may result in fines and removal of the pet to the pound.


One sign limited to 5 feet square advertising the house for sale/rental or one sign advertising a contractor performing work (while the work is underway) is permitted in the yard of any home. No advocacy, political or other signage is permitted.

Minimum Interior

Some lots have a minimum interior square footage requirement for the premises and minimum square footage requirements for a porch, garage or carport. Check property deed for exact details.

Well Drilling

Prior approval is needed for the drilling of wells for drinking water; however, pollution control permits may be required by the county or state prior to drilling. Well water may be used for irrigation but only when water restriction laws allow, just the same as for other water.


Invalidation of any of the above restrictions does not affect the legality of the remaining restrictions.


These deed restrictions are for the benefit of all land owners as a community. To compel compliance by a land owner, at the land owners’ expense, any violation or attempted violation of the Deed Restrictions of County Code may be enforced by the Carrollwood Civic Association through legal proceedings, causing property to be maintained or returned to acceptable conditions by hiring contractors and levying fines. The Carrollwood Civic Association Board was established to help residents enjoy their investment in the community. If a resident has temporary challenges that preclude his timely property maintenance or conformance to community standards, he is encouraged to contact the Carrollwood Civic Association Board for neighborly assistance.